2025-03-31 2025-03-31 , online online, 1,290 € plus tax Sergio Rizzo https://forum-institut.com/seminar/25101133-eu-design-law/referenten/25/25_10/25101133-online-course-eu-design-law_rizzo-sergio.jpg EU Design Law

Our speakers will suggest authoritative answers to key problems of EU design law and give an update on most recent case-law

  • Walk-through of the new EU design law
  • Application and invalidity proceedings before the EUIPO
  • Infringement and defences to infringement
  • Remedies and jurisdiction
  • CJEU case-law update
  • CJEU case studies: 'Papierfabriek Doetinchem' and 'Ferrari'

Who should attend
Do you work in a corporate IP/trademark/design/legal department or as a patent, trademark or design attorney in private practice and need a systematic overview of EU design law? Then this course is designed for you. Knowledge of IP law is required.
Aims and objectives
The trend is clear - design protection is increasingly attracting attention from both SMEs and global players. This comparatively inexpensive IP right is a means of driving not only product imitations but also design variations produced by competitors out of the market. In this respect, growing case law from the CJEU as well as a rich body of decisions from EUIPO and national EU design courts provide helpful guidance on the application of the sophisticated legislation. This practical online course will be a much-needed guide to law and practice. Attendees will get a systematic overview and will examine the interpretation provided by EUIPO and the European Courts, as well as direction on issues which remain un-solved. Our speakers will suggest authoritative answers to key problems of EU design law and give an update on most recent case-law. Finally, the speakers will walk attendees through the new EU design law, largely applying from 1 May 2025 onwards.
Your benefit

You will

  • have an overview on the current EU design law
  • be up to date on the latest EUIPO and ECJ decisions on design law
  • know pitfalls in the practice of applying for Community Designs

EU Design Law

EU Design Law

  • From the perspective of an EUIPO BoA member and a private practitioner
  • New knowledge guaranteed
  • Learn from the experts

Webcode 25101133

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JETZT Buchen


Everything at a glance





09:00-17:00 CET

09:00-17:00 CET



Your contact

Jean-Claude Alexandre Ho, LL.M.
Lawyer, Conference Manager

+49 6221 500-675


Our speakers will suggest authoritative answers to key problems of EU design law and give an update on most recent case-law


  • Walk-through of the new EU design law
  • Application and invalidity proceedings before the EUIPO
  • Infringement and defences to infringement
  • Remedies and jurisdiction
  • CJEU case-law update
  • CJEU case studies: 'Papierfabriek Doetinchem' and 'Ferrari'

Who should attend
Do you work in a corporate IP/trademark/design/legal department or as a patent, trademark or design attorney in private practice and need a systematic overview of EU design law? Then this course is designed for you. Knowledge of IP law is required.

Aims and objectives

The trend is clear - design protection is increasingly attracting attention from both SMEs and global players. This comparatively inexpensive IP right is a means of driving not only product imitations but also design variations produced by competitors out of the market. In this respect, growing case law from the CJEU as well as a rich body of decisions from EUIPO and national EU design courts provide helpful guidance on the application of the sophisticated legislation. This practical online course will be a much-needed guide to law and practice. Attendees will get a systematic overview and will examine the interpretation provided by EUIPO and the European Courts, as well as direction on issues which remain un-solved. Our speakers will suggest authoritative answers to key problems of EU design law and give an update on most recent case-law. Finally, the speakers will walk attendees through the new EU design law, largely applying from 1 May 2025 onwards.

Your benefit

You will

  • have an overview on the current EU design law
  • be up to date on the latest EUIPO and ECJ decisions on design law
  • know pitfalls in the practice of applying for Community Designs

Detailed programme

09:00-17:00 CET

Introduction and key issues
  • What is a design, what a product? Component parts of complex products. Non-physical products, virtual spaces, digital designs
  • Subject matter of a design: 'What you see is what you get' principle. Updated visibility requirement
  • Classification and description: indication of product and description. Abolition of unity of class

Application proceedings
  • Filing requirements: advantages and best practices. International registrations. New design repres-entation formats (video, 3D Tech)
  • Priority claims: substantive requirements and formalities
  • EUIPO practice: formalities examination. Addressing deficiencies and responding to office actions
  • Fees and renewals: new simplified fee structure

Recent case-law (BoA)

Invalidity proceedings
  • Grounds for invalidity: novelty, individual character, earlier rights
  • Consequences of invalidity
  • How to show invalidity: facts, evidence and arguments
  • Interplay with infringement issues: tactics, counterattacks, stay of proceedings
  • Latest case-law from the Boards of Appeal and the General Court of the EU

Infringement and defences to Infringement
  • Presumption of validity of a registered EU design
  • Scope of protection and freedom of the designer (degree and constraints)
  • Right to use and right to prevent third party use (infringing acts)
  • Defences to infringement: private use, prior use, exhaustion, right to make citations
  • Lack of unity as a valid defense

Unregistered EU Designs
  • Establishing protection (disclosure in the territory of the EU)
  • Protection against copying
  • Term of protection
  • Case study: 'Ferrari'

Infringement actions: jurisdiction and sanctions (remedies)
  • Competent courts, international jurisdiction, forum shopping
  • Sanctions (injunction, damages, other remedies) and applicable law
  • Territorial scope of sanctions
  • Provisional measures
  • Possible defences and counter-attacks (counterclaim, request for a declaration of invalidity or action for declaration of non-infringement)

CJEU case-law update

Case studies: 'KaiKai', 'Papierfabriek Doetinchem', 'Lego', and 'Monz'

More informations


  • 'It was to the point.' J. Vaquer, Legal Counsel, Nokia (Finland)
  • 'Good overview, no need for deep prior knowledge.' A. Leijon, European Patent Attorney, Alfa Laval (Sweden)
  • 'I've had my questions answered.' R. Olteanu, Design Consultant, Guardian IP (Denmark)

Benefits of a FORUM Institut training course

FORUM Institut’s all-in-one training platform uses the latest teaching methods.
All our online training courses take place in the Learning Space, our holistic learning environment with many features that promote effective and sustainable learning.

  • Live and interactive learning on our Learning Space training platform
  • A platform with many features: events rooms, chat, course agendas and documents, surveys, workshop rooms and much more
  • Easy surveys with Slido
  • ‘Deluxe’ chat: group chats, one-to-one chats, one-to-one video chats
  • A central repository for documents and media
  • Other services and apps such as Padlet and Mentimeter available directly on the platform
  • The perfect marriage of teaching methods and technology
  • High level of interactivity with plenty of opportunity for questions
  • Continuous support throughout the event to ensure the most effective learning
  • Free technical pre-meeting to start off your training on the right foot

Technical requirements

You need a reliable Internet connection to take part in our online events. To have the best possible learning experience, we recommend that you use the latest version of the Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome browsers. You will need a headset, loudspeaker or telephone to play the audio. Further information is available here. Please check beforehand that your microphone or headset and camera are working properly. Do not access our services from a VPN since there are issues with the audio over such connections.

We have integrated Zoom video conferencing software into our Learning Space for our online training courses. If you are not authorised to use Zoom, please get in touch with us so we can make alternative arrangements for you to take part in our online training.

Free pre-meeting and technology check

You can attend one of our pre-meetings and explore our Learning Space free of charge. Registration is not required. You can find available dates for a pre-meeting in your customer portal. Click the green ‘Participate’ button in the pre-meeting in the customer portal and you will be redirected to the Learning Space.

The pre-meeting gives you the opportunity to explore our Learning Space and to familiarise yourself with the technology to start off your online training on the right foot. This is a non-binding offer for all our customers and not a prerequisite for participation. If a pre-meeting date does not suit you but you would still like a technology check, please contact us.

Access to and procedure for online events

Once you have registered for an event, we will send you the access information for your customer portal. Click here to log in to the customer portal using your email address and password. Please ensure you can access the customer portal before the day of the event.

All important or additional information and personal documents are available in your personalised customer portal. This is also where you start your online courses. If you do not have access to the customer portal yet, you can easily register here.

On the day of the event, you kick off your online training in the customer portal by clicking ‘Participate’ directly in the respective event. You will then be redirected to the Learning Space.

Learn more about our online events here.

This distinguishes our events

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Key Performance Indicators in Intellectual Property

This online course is about key metrics for IP. Attendees will learn how to measure IP KPIs.

13.11.2025 in

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