2025-02-22 2025-02-22 Steigenberger Hotel München +49 89 159 061-0 +49 89 159 061-712 Steigenberger Hotel München Berliner Str. 85, 80805 München München, 80805 2,750 € plus tax Graham Ashley https://forum-institut.com/seminar/25051135-european-patent-opposition-advocacy-workshop/referenten/25/25_05/25051135-workshop-european-patent-opposition-advocacy-workshop_ashley-graham.jpg European Patent Opposition Advocacy Workshop

The European Patent Opposition Advocacy Workshop is the gold standard advocacy course where attendees will get hands-on experience together with personal tuition and feedback.

Topics of the workshop
  • Insights into the European Patent Opposition environment
  • Inventive step, prior use and clarity: what needs to be considered
  • Auxiliary requests, late-filing, admissibility, added matter
  • Develop your own advocacy style
  • Highlight: Full-day mock Oral Proceeding
  • Led by five coaches with extensive EPO Oppositions Oral Proceedings experience

Who should attend
You are a European Patent Attorney but have limited European Patent Oppositions Oral Proceedings experience?

You are looking to fast-track your ability in this area with like-minded peers? Then this is the right course for you.
Aims and objectives of the workshop
European Patent Opposition is a uniquely complex and demanding discipline that requires highly specialised expertise and advocacy skills. European Patent Attorneys therefore need a sound understanding of the key aspects of Opposition Oral Proceedings. This inperson, in-depth training workshop provides practical coverage of many classic issues that arise at Oral Proceedings, as well as the opportunity to practise advocacy skills under expert tuition. In preparation for the workshop there are two online meetings totalling six hours and a further two-hour face-to-face meeting the day before the workshop. At the first meeting the five workshop coaches deliver modules on topics such as advocacy and the European Patent Opposition environment, as well as introducing the case itself. During the second meeting the participants prepare their argumentation with coach guidance. Throughout the main workshop day, participants take part in a mock Oral Proceedings before former EPO Opposition Division and Board of Appeal members, based on a simulated case suitable for all technical disciplines. As the case unfolds, they will prepare, present and analyse proprietor and opponent arguments during interactive sessions, interspersed with presentations and discussion of key topics such as inventive step, prior use, clarity, auxiliary requests, late filing and admissibility. Participants also receive one-to-one feedback and advice with respect to their own interventions.
Your benefit

After the course, you will

  • understand the key aspects of Opposition Oral Proceedings at the EPO
  • have practised your advocacy skills under the tuition of our experts
  • have trained practical conduct issues

European Patent Opposition Advocacy Workshop

European Patent Opposition Advocacy Workshop

  • Gold standard advocacy course for Opposition Oral Proceedings
  • Hands-on experience together with personal tuition and feedback
  • Participant numbers limited to 10

Webcode 25051135

Book now

JETZT Buchen


Everything at a glance





6 May 2025 (from 13:00 to 17:00 CET) and 13 May 2025 (from 15:00 to 17:00 CET) I Online

27 and 28 May 2025 in Munich (1st day: 17:00 to 19:00 CET, 2nd day: 09:00 to17:00 CET)

6 May 2025 (from 13:00 to 17:00 CET) and 13 May 2025 (from 15:00 to 17:00 CET) I Online

27 and 28 May 2025 in Munich (1st day: 17:00 to 19:00 CET, 2nd day: 09:00 to17:00 CET)



Your contact

Jean-Claude Alexandre Ho, LL.M.
Lawyer, Conference Manager

+49 6221 500-675


The European Patent Opposition Advocacy Workshop is the gold standard advocacy course where attendees will get hands-on experience together with personal tuition and feedback.

Topics of the workshop

  • Insights into the European Patent Opposition environment
  • Inventive step, prior use and clarity: what needs to be considered
  • Auxiliary requests, late-filing, admissibility, added matter
  • Develop your own advocacy style
  • Highlight: Full-day mock Oral Proceeding
  • Led by five coaches with extensive EPO Oppositions Oral Proceedings experience

Who should attend
You are a European Patent Attorney but have limited European Patent Oppositions Oral Proceedings experience?

You are looking to fast-track your ability in this area with like-minded peers? Then this is the right course for you.

Aims and objectives of the workshop

European Patent Opposition is a uniquely complex and demanding discipline that requires highly specialised expertise and advocacy skills. European Patent Attorneys therefore need a sound understanding of the key aspects of Opposition Oral Proceedings. This inperson, in-depth training workshop provides practical coverage of many classic issues that arise at Oral Proceedings, as well as the opportunity to practise advocacy skills under expert tuition. In preparation for the workshop there are two online meetings totalling six hours and a further two-hour face-to-face meeting the day before the workshop. At the first meeting the five workshop coaches deliver modules on topics such as advocacy and the European Patent Opposition environment, as well as introducing the case itself. During the second meeting the participants prepare their argumentation with coach guidance. Throughout the main workshop day, participants take part in a mock Oral Proceedings before former EPO Opposition Division and Board of Appeal members, based on a simulated case suitable for all technical disciplines. As the case unfolds, they will prepare, present and analyse proprietor and opponent arguments during interactive sessions, interspersed with presentations and discussion of key topics such as inventive step, prior use, clarity, auxiliary requests, late filing and admissibility. Participants also receive one-to-one feedback and advice with respect to their own interventions.

Your benefit

After the course, you will

  • understand the key aspects of Opposition Oral Proceedings at the EPO
  • have practised your advocacy skills under the tuition of our experts
  • have trained practical conduct issues

Detailed programme

6 May 2025 (from 13:00 to 17:00 CET) and 13 May 2025 (from 15:00 to 17:00 CET) I Online

27 and 28 May 2025 in Munich (1st day: 17:00 to 19:00 CET, 2nd day: 09:00 to17:00 CET)

Online Preparatory Meeting on 6 May 2025, 13:00-17:00 CET
  • EPO Opposition environment
  • Advocacy
  • Introduction to the case
  • Break-out session: respective proprietor and opponent groups discuss initial thoughts and approach

Online Preparatory Meeting on 13 May 2025, 15:00-17:00 CET
  • Proprietor group session: further case preparation, accompanied by one "sounding board" expert
  • Opponent group session: further case preparation, accompanied by one "sounding board" expert

Pre-main workshop on 27 May 2025 in Munich, 17:00 - 19:00 CET
  • Explanations on the conduct of the workshop
  • Last-minute Q&A
  • Proprietor group session: final case preparation, accompanied by one "sounding board" expert
  • Opponent group session: final case preparation, accompanied by one "sounding board" expert

Main workshop on 28 May 2025 in Munich, 09:00 - 17:00 CET
  • Mock Oral Proceedings in five phases, following a realistic case scenario
  • Focuses on learning-by-doing and giving scope to make "classic" mistakes in a safe environment
  • Interspersed with real-time commentary and discussion with the experts, including feedback to individuals on their advocacy style
  • The mock Oral Proceedings is split into (five) phases, in which for each phase the parties will plead their arguments before the Opposition Division on a ground of Opposition. After deliberation, the Opposition Division will render a decision on that ground, before moving on to the next as is done in real life Oral Proceedings. Depending on how the hearing progresses, the latter phases may also include discussion of Auxiliary Requests. In between these phases, participants will also be taught modules on specific aspects of Opposition Oral Proceedings, such as clarity, inventive step, and late filings.

More information

Features of the course

The workshop is limited to a maximum of ten participants. The structure of the workshop, the exceptionally low coach/participant ratio and the in-depth knowledge of the coaches offer an unparalleled opportunity for discussion and to benefit from expert advice and experience.

Key aspects

  • Gold standard advocacy course for Opposition Oral Proceedings
  • Hands-on experience together with personal tuition and feedback
  • Formal teaching kept to a minimum and participant numbers limited to 10 to preserve very low coach/ student ratio
  • Personal interaction central to all aspects of the workshop, including during lunch and coffee-breaks
  • Total time spent with coaches is 16+ hours
  • Estimated investment required for participants is circa 24 hours

This distinguishes our events

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