2025-03-12 2025-03-12 , , 1,780 € plus tax Dr. Arnaud Gasnier https://forum-institut.com/seminar/25051104-aligning-ip-with-business-growth/referenten/25/25_05/25051104-online-course-practical-tools-to-get-the-right-ip-resources_gasnier-arnaud.jpg Aligning IP with business growth

The course "Aligning IP with Business Growth" is an in-depth course for helping you (re)align IP with the business. This course is not an extensive lecture about theoretical concepts. Instead, the course is 100% based on insights gained from actual practice; it provides tools, dashboards and empirical thinking directly applicable by the participants.

The contents of your online course
  • (Re)align IP and the business focus, with a cross-functional, step-by-step methodology.
  • Business categorization (growth vs legacy). Interview management. Business scoring to link IP with financials and business strategy.
  • IP mapping/scoring. Gap analysis IP vs business. Steering dashboards
  • Scenario-making for portfolio development and target-setting tools (using Excel)
  • Prioritization: where to spend the "right IP resources" at the right place and at the right time. Prepare a roadmap to foster proactivity, impact and visibility.
  • Experience it with peers face-to-face, where you apply and present the tools in teams (1 day)

Who should attend
  • IP Directors, IP Managers and other functions (patent attorneys, R&D/innovation, business development), who have been asked (or would like) to further align IP with the business (and its new strategy) an/or facing the above challenges and concerns.
  • Whether you work for a large organization or an SME, the course is relevant and will coach you how to adjust the tools to your context.
  • Private practice: this course will help you better understand your client's business and advise them in terms of portfolio development aligned with the business.
The objectives of your online course
Prioritization to further align with the business has been a recurring challenge for IP, regardless of the size of the IP department/function/portfolio. In various reports e.g. from KPMG, proactive advice to internal clients (R&D, marketing, management) is the top priority. Executives often challenge IP. Do we use the right resources for the right activities? Can we link IP to financials?

Could we achieve the same IP protection level in a different way? Is there a more optimum model budget-wise? Reconciling IP support with long-term growth and cost optimization is another challenging reality, especially when case workload keeps growing. For those facing these challenges and concerns, this course has been designed for you.
Your benefit

  • Understand how to connect IP strategies with business plans and goals.
  • Proven tools and methods for assessing and prioritizing IP portfolios.
  • Practical knowledge immediately applicable in your organisation, including dashboards, analyses, and scenarios.
  • Teamwork and networking opportunities during the on-site session in Munich.
  • Access to benchmarks and insights into alternative approaches and best practices from real-world experience.

Online Course - Practical tools to get the 'right IP resources'

Aligning IP with business growth

Practical tools to get the 'right IP resources'
at the 'right place and time'

  • Based 100% on insights gained from actual practice
  • Extensive case study
  • Teamwork and group discussions
  • Practical course with industry examples, cases to prepare

Webcode 25051104

Book now

JETZT Buchen


Everything at a glance





20 and 23 May 2025 I Online (each day from 09:00 to 17:00 CET)

28 May 2025 in Munich (09:00 to16:00 CET)

20 and 23 May 2025 I Online (each day from 09:00 to 17:00 CET)

28 May 2025 in Munich (09:00 to16:00 CET)

Your contact

Jean-Claude Alexandre Ho, LL.M.
Lawyer, Conference Manager

+49 6221 500-675


The course "Aligning IP with Business Growth" is an in-depth course for helping you (re)align IP with the business. This course is not an extensive lecture about theoretical concepts. Instead, the course is 100% based on insights gained from actual practice; it provides tools, dashboards and empirical thinking directly applicable by the participants.

The contents of your online course

  • (Re)align IP and the business focus, with a cross-functional, step-by-step methodology.
  • Business categorization (growth vs legacy). Interview management. Business scoring to link IP with financials and business strategy.
  • IP mapping/scoring. Gap analysis IP vs business. Steering dashboards
  • Scenario-making for portfolio development and target-setting tools (using Excel)
  • Prioritization: where to spend the "right IP resources" at the right place and at the right time. Prepare a roadmap to foster proactivity, impact and visibility.
  • Experience it with peers face-to-face, where you apply and present the tools in teams (1 day)

Who should attend
  • IP Directors, IP Managers and other functions (patent attorneys, R&D/innovation, business development), who have been asked (or would like) to further align IP with the business (and its new strategy) an/or facing the above challenges and concerns.
  • Whether you work for a large organization or an SME, the course is relevant and will coach you how to adjust the tools to your context.
  • Private practice: this course will help you better understand your client's business and advise them in terms of portfolio development aligned with the business.

The objectives of your online course

Prioritization to further align with the business has been a recurring challenge for IP, regardless of the size of the IP department/function/portfolio. In various reports e.g. from KPMG, proactive advice to internal clients (R&D, marketing, management) is the top priority. Executives often challenge IP. Do we use the right resources for the right activities? Can we link IP to financials?

Could we achieve the same IP protection level in a different way? Is there a more optimum model budget-wise? Reconciling IP support with long-term growth and cost optimization is another challenging reality, especially when case workload keeps growing. For those facing these challenges and concerns, this course has been designed for you.

Your benefit

  • Understand how to connect IP strategies with business plans and goals.
  • Proven tools and methods for assessing and prioritizing IP portfolios.
  • Practical knowledge immediately applicable in your organisation, including dashboards, analyses, and scenarios.
  • Teamwork and networking opportunities during the on-site session in Munich.
  • Access to benchmarks and insights into alternative approaches and best practices from real-world experience.

Detailed programme

20 and 23 May 2025 I Online (each day from 09:00 to 17:00 CET)

28 May 2025 in Munich (09:00 to16:00 CET)

Session 1 on 20 May 2025: Fundamentals + alignment method (overview)
  • When to switch from ad hoc and to realign the IP portfolio. Managing classic tensions (long- vs short-term, cost vs
growth etc.).
  • Learn a step-by-step approach to prepare an IP/innovation plan aligned with the business strategy and to monitor
its execution.
  • Compare with other methods (quality standards ISO/DIN, 360° IP Strategie etc.). Insights from business strategy
and project management
  • Introduction to case study "Hydrogen (H2) - Part A" presented by the speaker during sessions 2-4

Session 2 on 20 May 2025: learn the alignment method (1/3) - business review
  • "Review business strategy documents and key financials. Prepare interviews with management (questionnaire).
  • Business categorization (legacy areas, growth areas, adjacencies etc.) and business/management goals therein.
  • Design a business scoring and compare key areas. IP-business models (defensive, offensive etc.).

Session 3 on 23 May 2025: learn the alignment method (2/3) - IP review + gap analysis
  • "IP portfolio assessment: mapping against key areas; IP scoring design; and new IP dashboard.
  • Gap analysis: compare current IP to business ambition; and identify and visualize gaps.
  • Generate options to bridge the gaps. Reflect on IP activities needed to support the business in the short- and longterm

Session 4: learn the alignment method (3/3) - scenario-making + target setting + prioritization
  • Make different scenarios for portfolio development. Target setting and extra dashboards
  • Co-construction workshop. Derive an executable roadmap.
  • KPIs and budget for IP (and R&D). External budget benchmark from competitors' IP and annual reports.

Munich Sessions 5-6 on 28 May 2025: apply the alignment method (teamwork using Excel)
  • You are team up and each team applies method 1 to another case study "H2 (Part B)"
  • (1) categorization, (2) business scoring, (3) IP scoring, (4) design dashboard for gap analysis IP-business, (5)
scenario-making, (6) target settings, and (7) make recommendations to fill in gaps and reach targets
  • (5) prioritization with team (consolidated options, criteria, voting, matrix impact vs feasibility), and (6) roadmap.
Followed with capacity map and resource allocation.

Further information

28 May in Munich

The venue of the course is:

Steigenberger Hotel Munich Berliner Str. 85 · 80805 Munich Tel. +49 89 159 061-0 · Fax +49 89 159 061-712

About the course

The course "Aligning IP with Business Growth" is an in-depth course for helping you (re)align IP with the business. This course is not an extensive lecture about theoretical concepts. Instead, the course is 100% based on insights gained from actual practice; it provides tools, dashboards and empirical thinking directly applicable by the participants.
During the course, you will learn and apply a practical, step-by-step methodology for aligning the IP portfolio with the business (today's revenues and tomorrow's growth). Practical tools such as interview guidelines, data-based analytical techniques, gap analysis and SWOT analysis are also provided. During the course, further practical tools are provided in the form of workshops (prioritization, planning, roadmap) which you can reuse with your colleagues.
During the online sessions, the speaker will present how this methodology is applied to a case study (Hydrogen - Part A). We will also explore alternative approaches and real-life situations inspired from practice. During the face-to-face sessions, you will be teamed up; each team will reapply the tools to another case (Hydrogen - Part B).
In short, the course is interactive including, among others, 1 onsite day for teamwork with peers. It is also intensive but structured to give enough space to prepare before and after each session.

Get prepared for the course!

We will send you a reader with details and instructions prior to the course. Thus, you can prepare the case studies and other assignments and get the most out of the course. 2 to 3 hours of preparation is suggested. A laptop (equipped with Excel) is needed during the face-to-face sessions.

What previous participants say

  • "Designing IP roadmaps is complex. Patentopolis tools provide a total new approach which is better structured to identify directions for innovation development and IP position strengthening. It allows to compare perceptions and reality, as well as to provide opportunities for information sharing internally to reach consensus on where to go next."
  • "I previously went through some of the IP trainings. All of them provided new aspects and knowledge that suit the target audience, but none of them operates on such a high professional and intellectual level. The course is demanding though!"

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