Das FORUM Institut für Management möchte Sie in Ihrer Fort- und Weiterbildung nachhaltig unterstützen. Aus diesem Grund bieten wir Ihnen neben unseren tradierten Intensivseminaren und Konferenzen einen modularen Qualifikationslehrgang im Bereich Market Access und Healthcare Management an. Er bietet Ihnen maßgeschneiderte Weiterbildung, genau auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmt.
This online seminar provides a comprehensive overview of global regulatory affairs, covering strategies for setting regulatory policies, developing global regulatory dossiers, understanding HTA interfaces, enhancing global communication, and staying updated on ICH guidelines, ISO IDMP updates, and global regulatory trends.
The online seminar with details on development, quality, CMC, approval and market access (including an update on the upcoming EU HTA) for advanced therapy medicinal products. Qualifiy now!
Are you working in Switzerland or for a Swiss company and need a concise overview of the new IVDR regulation and their practical implementation in Swiss law? Then you should attend this seminar!
This face-to-face event offers a comprehensive overview of marketing authorisation and market access in the Middle East, covering key topics like market entry, intellectual property, lifecycle management, pharmacovigilance and quality considerations, with a focus on Gulf Cooperation Council, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Jordan and Syria.
Join our one-day seminar on pharmaceutical law to gain a comprehensive overview of the key legal and regulatory principles in Germany and the EU. No prior legal knowledge is required.
This seminar will focus on AMNOG and JCA dossier preparation as well as the German AMNOG procedure in comparison with the EU HTA procedure.
This e-learning provides a comprehensive understanding of reimbursement in the German healthcare market, covering outpatient and inpatient sectors, digital health applications, and upcoming changes like hybrid DRGs and hospital reform. Stay informed and up-to-date on these significant changes in the German healthcare system.