Events for „EU Funds“

Communication in EU Projects

Unlock the power of communication within EU projects! Join us as we delve into innovative strategies, from mastering monitoring techniques to harnessing the power of social media and AI Apps, all aimed at crafting compelling and engaging project narratives.

Frankfurt 28-29/11/2024
Closure of 2014 - 2020 Operational Programmes. From A to Z.

Optimizing the closure of operational programs can often feel like a daunting and arduous task. Allow us to simplify your workload.

online 05-06/03/2025
Public Procurement in ESI and AMIF/BMVI/ISF Funds - Audit and Financial Corrections

Join us for an intensive one-day seminar delving into the intricacies of public procurement for ESI Funds. Through a hands-on approach, gain a thorough understanding of the legal framework and the verification/audit processes inherent in public procurement for ESI Funds.

online 14/03/2025