2024-12-04 2024-12-04 , online online, 490 € plus tax Martin Koller-van Delden https://forum-institut.com/seminar/24124150-e-learning-german-employment-law/referenten/24/24_12/24124150-german-employment-and-labour-law-in-english_koller-van-delden-martin.jpg e-Learning: German Employment Law

The e-learning programme helps foreign inhouse counsels, human resources managers at international companies and those who would like to gain a first insight to understand the complex legal regulations concerning Labour and Employment Law in Germany. You get an overview of all key aspects of German Employment Law and get an update on court decisions.

  • General introduction and principles - definitions, facts & figures
  • Recruitment and conclusion of the employment contract
  • Rights and duties of employer and employee
  • Termination of the employment relationship
  • Works council and trade union relations
  • Update on court decisions in key areas

Who should attend
Non-German speaking managers and specialists in the HR department & the legal department with personnel responsibility but no or very little prior experience of German employment law.

As well as everyone who would like to get a compact introduction to German labor law.
Aims and objectives
The e-learning programme helps foreign inhouse counsels, human resources managers at international companies and those who would like to gain a first insight to understand the complex legal regulations concerning Labour and Employment Law in Germany. You get an overview of all key aspects of German Employment Law and get an update on court decisions such as unfair dismissal, remuneration and bonus payments, minimum salary etc.
  • Understand the structure and particularities of German Employment and Labour Law.
  • Become competent in managing the daily tasks and problems that are related to Employment and Labour Law.
  • Understand and make use of the appropriate tools when engaging or dismissing employees, or restructuring your business.
  • German key vocabulary is introduced without you having to speak or understand German.
  • Get up to date on the latest court decisions relating to dismissal, employment contracts, the Minimum Wage Act and other key topics.
Your benefit

  • Up-to-date expert knowledge
  • Flexibility in location and timing
  • You establish your own learning speed
  • Tests and feedback
  • Certificate of completion
  • Compatibility with mobile devices

German Employment Law

German Employment Law

e-Learning: brand new and up-to-date

  • Up-to-date expert knowledge
  • Flexibility in location and timing
  • You establish your own learning speed
  • Tests and feedback
  • Certificate of completion
  • Compatibility with mobile devices

Webcode 24124150

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Ihre Kontaktperson

Daniyel Demir
Konferenzmanager Personal

+49 6221 500-822


The e-learning programme helps foreign inhouse counsels, human resources managers at international companies and those who would like to gain a first insight to understand the complex legal regulations concerning Labour and Employment Law in Germany. You get an overview of all key aspects of German Employment Law and get an update on court decisions.


  • General introduction and principles - definitions, facts & figures
  • Recruitment and conclusion of the employment contract
  • Rights and duties of employer and employee
  • Termination of the employment relationship
  • Works council and trade union relations
  • Update on court decisions in key areas

Who should attend
Non-German speaking managers and specialists in the HR department & the legal department with personnel responsibility but no or very little prior experience of German employment law.

As well as everyone who would like to get a compact introduction to German labor law.

Aims and objectives

The e-learning programme helps foreign inhouse counsels, human resources managers at international companies and those who would like to gain a first insight to understand the complex legal regulations concerning Labour and Employment Law in Germany. You get an overview of all key aspects of German Employment Law and get an update on court decisions such as unfair dismissal, remuneration and bonus payments, minimum salary etc.

  • Understand the structure and particularities of German Employment and Labour Law.
  • Become competent in managing the daily tasks and problems that are related to Employment and Labour Law.
  • Understand and make use of the appropriate tools when engaging or dismissing employees, or restructuring your business.
  • German key vocabulary is introduced without you having to speak or understand German.
  • Get up to date on the latest court decisions relating to dismissal, employment contracts, the Minimum Wage Act and other key topics.

Your benefit

  • Up-to-date expert knowledge
  • Flexibility in location and timing
  • You establish your own learning speed
  • Tests and feedback
  • Certificate of completion
  • Compatibility with mobile devices


Module 1: General introduction
  • Employee - definition - facts & figures
    • Labour market - social security / cost
    • Types of employment
    • Employee protection laws (overview)
    • Freelance and (fraudulent) pseudo-freelance
  • Employer - definition - facts & figures
    • Labour market - types of employers
    • No automatic applicability of collective bargaining agreements
    • Freedom of contractPrivileges for small employers
    • Privileges for foreign employers
  • Trade unions & works council
    • Trade unions
    • Role of trade union compared to works council
    • Works council
    • Election of works council
    • Co-determination rights of works council
  • Conflict resolution
    • Institutions: labour court & conciliation board
    • Labour Court: procedure and facts & figures
    • Conciliation board: non-public conflict resolution

Module 2: Recruitment & conclusion of employment contract
  • Hiring - principle of free choice
    • Freedom of contract versus anti-discrimination laws
    • Obligation to employ disabled persons?
    • Obligation to contact work agency?
    • Advertisement & other forms of recruitment
  • Hiring - sources of information
    • Interview & questionnaires - do's and don'ts
    • References - importance and how to read
    • External information sources
    • Processing of personal data - data protection law
  • Conclusion of employment contract
    • Material conditions
    • Formal conditions
    • Engagement letter?
    • Fixed-term and non-fixed-term contract
    • Fixed-term with / without specific reason
    • Temporary work contract
  • Works council's rights related to hiring
    • Obligation to inform works council on envisaged hiring
    • Necessity of works council's consent to employ hired person
    • Resolution of possible conflict
    • Questionnaires / selection directives: need for works council's consent

Module 3: General principles & employee's duties
  • Rules governing the employment relationship
    • Basis: The employment contract
    • Other applicable rules
    • Hierarchy of rules in the employment relationship and other principles
  • Employee's duties - duty to work
    • Principle: without work no remuneration
    • The right person
    • At the right time
    • At the right placeIn the right mannerRefusal to follow directions/orders and consequences
  • Employee's duties - duty to be loyal
    • Safeguard employer's rights and interests
    • Whistleblowing - rights and duties
  • Employee's duties - duty of confidentiality
    • General duty of confidentiality
    • The new act for the protection of business secrets(Geschäftsgeheimnisgesetz)
    • Contractual clauses
  • Employee's duties - duty not to compete
    • During the employment relationship
    • After the end of the employment relationship
    • Duty of non-solicitation
    • Contractual agreements and limits
    • Compensation for non-competition (Karenzentschädigung)
  • Reduced employee's liability in case of breach of duty
    • Light negligence
    • "Medium" negligence
    • Gross negligence
    • Grossest negligenceIntentional breach of duty

Module 4: Employer's duties
  • Employer's main duties - duty to employ and to pay remuneration
    • Duty to employ - main duty eual to payment, judicial control of garden leave clauses/practice
    • Duty to pay remuneration - fixed remuneration, 13th salary, premiums / variable pay, statutory minimum pay, branch minimum pay, transparency of pay act (Entgelttransparenzgesetz)
  • Employer's duties - work time act
    • Maximum legal average work time and daily work time
    • Breaks and daily time off
    • Sundays and public holidays
    • Record of work time
    • Premiums/supplements for overtime work?
  • Employer's duties - sick pay and statutory holiday pay
    • Right to receive sick pay and statutory holiday pay
    • Duration, conditions
    • Calculation, partial re-imbursement for small employers
    • No termination during illness?
  • Employer's duties - paid holidayLegal minimum and practice in germany
    • Calculation of payment
    • Transmission to following year(s)

Module 4: Employer's duties (continuation)
  • Employer's Duties - maternity protection
    • Maternity leave (beginning / end, conditions)
    • Prohibitions to work during maternity
    • Payment of remuneration during maternity leave
    • Protection against dismissal
  • Employer's duties - parental leave
    • Parental leaveRequest for parental leave (conditions, timing)
    • Parental money (elterngeld)
    • Protection against dismissal
  • Employer's duties - care leave/ family care leave
    • Request for care leave / family care leave
    • Paid short-term care / unpaid long-term care / part time work during family care leave
    • Protection against dismissal
  • Employer's duties - part time
    • Conditions to ask for part time
    • Conditions for refusal by employer and procedure for negotiation
    • Entitlement to fixed-term part time ("Brückenteilzeit")

Module 5: Termination of the employment relationship
  • Types of end of contract
    • Death of employeeExpiry of fixed-term contract
    • Contract of termination
    • Notice of termination by employee (resignation)
    • Notice of termination by employer (dismissal)
    • Legal consequences of illegal dismissal
  • Formal (non-)requirements for termination
    • Legal written form and reception by employee
    • Non-requirements
  • Material requirements (ordinary termination)
    • Respect of notice period
    • Prior and correct hearing of works council
    • Existence of a legitimate cause for dismissal - dismissal for conduct related reasons, dismissal for reasons related to the person of employee, dismissal for operational reasons
  • Material requirements (extraordinary termination)
    • Prior and correct hearing of works council
    • Existence of an "important cause"Two-weeks' deadline
  • Special rules for mass / collective dismissal
    • Obligations under "mass dismissal" procedure
    • Conciliation of interests and social plan
  • Special protection against dismissal
    • Selected cases of special protection
    • Varying form and content of special protection


e-Learning: German Employment Law

Here you can get a brief insight into the e-Learning German Employment Law.


The principle

The e-Learning programme ‘German Employment Law’ comprises five didactic modules that include videos in which the experts Martin Koller-van Delden and Dominik Gallini share their expertise with you. You can also download and print the corresponding presentation documents. Each module ends with a test. Once you have completed the modules and passed all the tests, you will be awarded a certificate, which you can print out directly. The e-Learning programme should be completed within three months. Try our e-Learning programme for free and familiarise yourself with our learning environment.

How does it work?

  • 1. Register for an e-Learning programme on our website.
  • 2. You will receive an email with your login data to our learning platform.
  • 3. You may start your e-Learning programme once you have logged in.

This distinguishes our events


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e-Learning: Working with the Works Council in Germany

The aim of the e-learning is to impart basic knowledge on the cooperation with the works council - from its establishmen...

31.12.2024, Online

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What participants say about our e-learning programmes
You can create your own schedule, pause and rewind the video at any time, and avoid being pressed for time. Travel expenses and time off work are a thing of the past. I completed the e-learning programme from home, which was great.

Eva Phillip, Head of Documentation

Bioforce AG, Roggwil (Switzerland)

... thank you for the great content in the course, I have learned a lot and already managed to implement some changes in our processes in order to comply with the law and regulations.

Mariana Grava, Talent Acquisition & HR Admin

SPREAD GmbH, Berlin