White paper

Generative AI in patents

Generative AI in patents

FORUM IP Talks with Sebastian Goebel

Discover the future of patent work in the age of artificial intelligence! Our speaker Sebastian Goebel and I talked about the impact of generative AI on patent work. In this analysis, we shed light on the challenges and opportunities arising from the use of generative AI. Find out more about the legal and ethical aspects of this use and why it can be crucial for the protection of innovations.
  • Learn about the potential of using generative AI.
  • Practise the use of GenAI in a small group at our seminar.
  • Benefit from the insights of an expert in this field.
Immerse yourself in the world of generative AI and discover how this technology can revolutionise patent work.

Download the white paper 'Generative AI in patents'.



White paper

Generative AI in patents


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