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Newsletter Regulatory Affairs
Your monthly regulatory affairs update

Welcome to the December 2023 issue of the regulatory affairs newsletter.

Today you will receive an overview of regulatory issues of the last few weeks and a summary of the online seminar "EU Pharmaceutical Legislation - Consequences for your Regulatory Strategy" which took place on December 8, 2023.
Insightful Seminar on Navigating Upcoming EU Pharmaceutical Legislation Changes
News from European Commission
News from EMA
News from BfArM and PEI
Monthly reports
Insightful Seminar on Navigating Upcoming EU Pharmaceutical Legislation Changes

Author: Dr Rebekka Bitsch, FORUM Institut für Management GmbH

The online seminar "EU Pharmaceutical Legislation - Consequences for your Regulatory Strategy" took place in German language on December 8, 2023 and offered a detailed insight into the upcoming changes to EU pharmaceutical legislation and their effects on the regulatory strategy of pharmaceutical companies. ... more

Are you interested in an update on the EU pharmaceutical legislation process, the panned changes and the effects on future applications for marketing authorisations of medicinal products?
Check out the online seminar "Update zur Revision der EU-Arzneimittelgesetzgebung" (in German language) that we offer in April 2024.

News from European Commission
Tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an integral part of many actions under the European Health Union. Ahead of the European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EAAD), new data published by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) shows some overall progress between 2019 and 2022 towards the target to cut antimicrobial use by 20% by 2030.

News from EMA
The Human Harmonisation Group has analysed the change requests received upon opening the eCTD EU Module 1 Specification for review and is now publishing the draft documents for public consultation.

The EMA has relaunched its official website. With a focus on user-friendly navigation and a modernized design, the new website is tailored to help users find essential information effortlessly.

PharmaFORUM Webcast International - More information >>

News from BfArM and PEI
The BfArM has published its impulse report for 2023. With the subtitle "Enabling the future of medicine", the report offers impulses on topics such as the revision of EU pharmaceutical legislation or the use of artificial intelligence in regulation.

Monthly reports




Kind regards,

Dr Rebekka Bitsch
Your contact for
Regulatory Affairs (Human)
+49 6221 500-565
Dr C. Michaela Gottwald
Your contact for
Regulatory Affairs (Veterinary)
+49 6221 500-610
Dr Birgit Wessels
Your contact for
+49 6221 500-652

Verena Planitz
Your contact for
Global Regulatory Affairs
+49 6221 500-655

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