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Newsletter Regulatory Affairs
Your monthly regulatory affairs update
Dear Sir or Madam

Welcome to the January 2023 issue of the regulatory affairs newsletter.

Today you will receive an overview of regulatory issues of the last few weeks as well as a summary of the Online Pharma FORUM webcast series – December issue on the Clinical Trials Regulation.
News from the European Court
News from the ICH
News from the EU Commission
News from the EMA
News from the CMDh
News from the HMA
News from the BfArM and the PEI
Veterinary news
Monthly reports
Online Pharma FORUM "Update Clinical Trials Regulation"

Author: Dr Henriette Wolf-Klein, FORUM Institut für Management GmbH

On 8 December 2022, the Online Pharma FORUM webcast took place with regard to the Clinical Trials Regulation. PD Dr Thomas Sudhop was the expert lecturer.

At the beginning of the webcast, Dr Sudhop addressed the principles of submitting a clinical trial application under the new Clinical Trials Regulation (CTR), which has been active since 31 January 2022. Part 1 of the application consists of, among other things, the protocol, IMPD, IP, label, GMP documents and is the same for all Member States concerned (= MSC). Part 2 covers national concerns of individual Member States such as informed consent, insurance, data protection, compensation, etc.
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News from the European Court
The General Court annuls the Commission Delegated Regulation of 2019 in so far as it concerns the harmonised classification and labelling of titanium dioxide as a carcinogenic substance by inhalation in certain powder forms.

News from the ICH
The ICH Guideline Q13 on continuous manufacturing of drug substances and drug products comes into effect on 10 July 2023.

The comments with regard to the ICH Harmonized Guideline Drug Interactions M12 have been aggregated and published.

The ICH M13A draft Guideline on Bioequivalence for Immediate-Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms reached Step 2 of the ICH process on 20 December 2022.

News from the EU Commission
The EU Commission published a Guideline "on the format and content of applications for designation as orphan medicinal products and on the transfer of designations from one sponsor to another".

The EU Commission has published a manual "on borderline and classification for medical devices under Regulation 2017/745 on medical devices and Regulation 2017/746 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices".

PharmaFORUM Webcast International - More information >>

News from the EMA
The updated draft eCTD v4.0 implementation timeline for EU is now available.

The updated PLM Portal eAF timeline now available.

The EMA has launched the 2nd Issue of the DADI-newsletter with updates on UAT, eAF, PMS and more.

EMA released an IRIS guide for parallel distribution applicants. The guide has been produced to help individuals using the IRIS Regulatory & Scientific Information Management platform understand how to use the portal to submit a notification for parallel distribution. The document is intended for Industry users who have already been granted Industry user access roles for the IRIS portal.

News from the CMDh
The CMDh has agreed updates of several CMDh guidance documents to remove the requirement for MAHs to provide a list of dispatch dates (dates of dispatch to the CMS) with the RMS submission. With the mandatory use of CESP for submissions, it was considered that the list of dispatch dates is no longer needed. The review follows an update of the CMDh BPG for the handling of Type II Variations in MRP (Chapter 5) in October, where this change was first agreed.

Stay up to date with your variation submission with our online seminar "Qualitätsbedingte Variations" (in german) on 6 and 7 February 2023.

News from the HMA
The HMA Core Group for medical devices has published a statement on effective application of the EU regulatory system for medical devices.

PharmaFORUM Webcast Biologics - More information >>

News from the BfArM and the PEI
BfArM and PEI have published a joint recommendation on the Notification of Observational Studies according to § 67 paragraph 6 of the German Medicines Act and on the notification of non-interventional safety studies in accordance with § 63f German Medicines Act.

Veterinary news
It is possible to comment on the concept paper "on a guideline on risk management requirements for elemental impurities in veterinary medicinal products" until 31 March 2023.

Monthly reports




Kind regards,

Dr Tatjana Mende
Your contact for
Regulatory Affairs (Human)
+49 6221 500-565
Dr C. Michaela Gottwald
Your contact for
Regulatory Affairs (Veterinary)
+49 6221 500-610
Dr Birgit Wessels
Your contact for
Quality, Safety, CMC
+49 6221 500-652

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